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FAO and IPPC has met with the Ministry of Agriculture to discuss development.

As one of the 11 countries in Africa featured in the Pilot Phase of the Africa Phytosanitary Program (or APP), a team from the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) has met with the Ministry…

Women occupy a strategic position for actualizing the government’s Feed Salone initiative.

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security Theresa Tenneh Dick has said that women occupy a strategic position for actualizing the government’s Feed Salone initiative. She added that Fostering this strategic partnership will help women to break financial barriers…

Trained and certified seed inspectors to be deployed in every district in the country.

The Sierra Leone Seed Certification Agency has trained and certified seed inspectors that are to be deployed in every district in the country. The aim is to have Seed Producers evaluate seeds in ensuring proper and quality seeds are produced…

Fairtrade principles have been taught to cocoa producers in Kenema and Kailahun Districts.

Cocoa Producers from Kenema and Kailahun Districts have been trained on Fairtrade Standards for Cocoa Cooperatives in Sierra Leone. The engagement was organized by Fairtrade Africa under the West Africa Cocoa Program. The training was designed to ensure that Producers…

Koinadugu, and Falaba districts received support from NaCSA & GIZ for food production.

National Commission for Social Action , NaCSA  and  GIZ have handed over three fruit and vegetable processing centers and one rice processing center to both Koinadugu, and Falaba districts. The initiative was to preserve and add value to vegetables grown…

A total of eighty Community Champions have received farm tools.

Some 80 Community Champions mostly farmers drawn from the Kholifa Rowalla and the Mamuntha Mayossor Chiefdoms in the Tonkolili District have been provided with farm tools and trained on backyard gardening, Food Security and Nutrition by Focus 1000. The move…

According to Dr. Musa Kpaka, the feed Salone agenda has gained significant traction.

The Minister of Agriculture Forest and Food Security Dr. Musa Kpaka has said  the feed Salone agenda has taken off from the ground as  cultivation of rice, cocoa, onion, and many more  have increased. He made this disclosure at the…

Farmers in the village of Kamawelen have started extensive farming.

As efforts to support government’s feed Salone project continue to gather pace, farmers in Kamawelen village, Briwa Chiefdom, Karene District have embarked on massive cultivation of various food stuffs on nearly forty hectares. The initiative will not only boost youth…

A 6-year strategic plan in the process of validation by The Presidential Initiative on Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Food Security.

The Presidential Initiative on Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Food Security is in the process of validating a 6-year strategic plan. The plan is designed for response to climate change, the introduction of a transition plan to renewable energy and…

An operational agro-metrological station was installed in the Moyamba Districts to forecast weather patterns for efficient farming methods.

Moyamba District has got a functional Agro-Metrological Station to forecast weather conditions for effective farming practices. This was supported by Irish Aid under the Adaptive Capacity of farmers to climate change Project implemented by Action Against Hunger , in partnership…