Your Voice My Voice


Staff members and the newly elected SLBC Board of Trustees had a fruitful meeting.

The new Board of Trustees of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation has told staff of the institution that efforts are underway to improve on professionalism, welfare of staff among other developments. The commitment was made during the maiden meeting with…

Review of the persons with Disability Act 2011.

Ministry of Social Welfare with UNDP has started a consultative session with organizations of persons with disabilities on the review of the persons with Disability Act 2011.  The move was to get their inputs in order to review the current…

President Julius Maada Bio had a National Town Hall meeting with the public.

In a major event aimed at fostering transparency and civic engagement, President Julius Maada Bio engaged citizens from all walks of life and regions of the country in a National Town Hall meeting. Organized by the Ministry of Information and…

Action Aid Sierra Leone has completed a day Innovative Experience Sharing meeting.

To increase advocacy around governance and better policies to enhance development, Action Aid Sierra Leone has completed a day Innovative Experience Sharing Meetings with Civil Society Organizations in Kono District. The engagement was geared towards promoting to Promote CSO Peer-to-Peer…

Bank of Sierra Leone turns 60 this year.

As the Bank of Sierra Leone turns sixty, 60 this year, the Bank Governor Dr. Ibrahim Stevens has disclosed that over the past six decades, the bank has steadfastly upheld its core mandates, adapting to the evolving financial landscape in…

Sierra Leone, the first West Africa country to take part in the African Travel and Tourism.

The Ministry of Tourism and partners have held a joint press conference in Freetown to update the media on the country’s maiden participation at the African Travel and Tourism Association, and the reviewed Sierra Leone Cultural day which took place…

ILO & MLSS on a two-day workshop on resource mobilization

In a bid towards enhancing the quality of work and living conditions in Sierra Leone, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security have jointly organized a two-day workshop on resource mobilization for the second…

A two-day Post-Election Engagement on extensive electoral reforms.

The Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) has held a two-day Post-Election Stakeholders Engagement at Sierra Palms Hotel in Freetown with key focus on extensive electoral reforms.

Bridging the digital divide in underserved communities in the country.

Deputy Minister of Communications, Technology and Innovation Ibrahim Sannoh has expressed government’s commitment and dedication to bridging the digital divide in underserved communities in the country. He made the disclosure while launching the Universal Development Fund’s Rural Telephony Project in…

The Parliamentary Civil Society Network has been launched.

Speaker of Parliament has launched Parliamentary Civil Society Network. Speaker Segepoh Solomon Thomas said the network comprising MPS and CSOs would increase interface, and consultation between lawmakers and citizens. The event was held at the State Hall, Parliament Building in…