Your Voice My Voice


Staff members and the newly elected SLBC Board of Trustees had a fruitful meeting.

The new Board of Trustees of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation has told staff of the institution that efforts are underway to improve on professionalism, welfare of staff among other developments. The commitment was made during the maiden meeting with…

Community radio station managers are being engaged by a team from IMC.

A Team from the Independent Media Commission IMC are touring the nation on a familiarization visit to stakeholders and engaging Community Radio Station managers on their mandates and responsibilities in serving their localities.

The SLBC Director General hosted pageant winners and had a fruitful conversation.

In a significant and heartwarming event, the recent winners of a prestigious Beauty Pageant paid a courtesy visit to Mrs. Josephine Kamara, the Director General of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation. The visit aimed to foster collaboration between the media…

IMC Act 2020 under review by the commission.

The Independent Media Commission (IMC) has started the process of reviewing the IMC Act 2020 and the Print and Electronic Media Regulations 2022. There have been calls to review the document in order to suit the current media landscape in…

The Director General of SLBC on an official tour to Kenema.

The Director General of Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation has visited SLBC Kenema. The visit was part of her tour since her appointment to get first- hand information on the running of the station, challenges faced and achievements among others. Station…

Amb. Bryan David Hunt and Amb. Linda Thomas-Greenfield held talks some members of the SLPP and the APC

The American Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Bryan David Hunt and the US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield have held a joint press briefing with members of the ruling SLPP and the main opposition, APC. The briefing was to…

Internet Society Sierra Leone on the proper usage of the internet

In an attempt to promote responsibility in internet usage, Internet Society Sierra Leone has engaged students from different universities on the proper usage of the internet especially as the country is fast approaching its general elections. The seminar also incorporated…

Dr. Alie Kabba finalized through his testimony

Thursday 27th October was his third day in cross cross-examination After four appearances before Justice Adrian Fischer at the high court, Dr. Alie Kabba has finally ended his testimony as the 18th Anti-Corruption Commission in the ongoing matter of Saidu…

DON BOSCO FAMBUL in a campaign against Plastic Pollution and deforestation

The campaign brought together school-going children, teachers, and others at the Lumley, Aberdeen Beach area who get on picking plastics on the beach and also telling people about their campaign. DON BOSCO FAMBUL in their ECO-Project has embarked on an…