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Two Community Health Centres handed over to Newton and Kissy Town Communities.

In a significant boost to the healthcare infrastructure of Waterloo, Action Against Hunger, with funding from the HAAS Foundation, handed over two Community Health Centres to Newton and Kissy Town Communities. The facilities are part of the ‘Programme for Strengthening…

Ministry of Health has received oxygen therapy equipment and accessories.

Ministry of Health has received oxygen therapy equipment and accessories to reduce child and maternal mortality. The three hundred thousand dollars equipment would also help to decentralize the availability and use of medical oxygen in primary health care facilities in…

Together, Sight Savers and NCPD will talk about political engagement and climate change.

Sight Savers and the National Commission for Persons with Disability have partnered to discuss issues around citizens’ political participation and climate change. People with disability from all walks of life in the western area were part of the dialogue in…

Integrating Health Services into Early Childhood Centres in Sierra Leone.

The Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education in collaboration with other Ministries, has held a session to discuss the Policy Guidelines for Integrating Health Services into Early Childhood Centres in Sierra Leone. The pilot project results were also presented…

COMAHS and USL inducted the first home grown Medical PHD candidates.

The College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences USL has inducted the first cohort of post graduate degree candidates. The twenty successful candidates of whom two are female are the first home grown Medical PHD candidates in the country. Acting…

Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance on a nationwide campaign.

Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS), has embarked on a nationwide campaign titled: Participatory Enquiry to Community Knowledge on CHAMPS activities. The campaign would facilitate information gathering for the transitional project the organization and the Ministry of Health would…

To counteract the effects of climate change, ClicNet has advocated for increased action.

Chairperson of the Climate Change Network (ClicNet) has called for more action and financing to combat the impacts of climate change in Sierra Leone. Ibrahim Kamara was speaking during the launching of the Climate Change Network Sierra Leone and its…

Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS), on a nationwide campaign.

Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS), has embarked on a nationwide campaign titled: Participatory Enquiry to Community Knowledge on CHAMPS activities. The campaign would facilitate information gathering for the transitional project the organization and the Ministry of Health would…

Home grown training of PHD candidates in the health sector to be implemented.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor College of Medicine and Allied Health Science Professor Mohamed Samai has said that in order to strengthen the medical health sciences, they will be embarking on home grown training of PHD candidates in the health sector.

Hundred and fifteen kush victims rehabilitated.

Having gone through eight weeks of intense rehabilitation, one hundred fifteen kush victims have been joined by the minister of social welfare to give thanksgiving to God as their lives have been transformed. They told the SLBC that they have…