Your Voice My Voice


Sierra Reporters Union has elected its new Executive.

Sierra Reporters Union has elected its new Executive. Yeanor Kabia of 98.1 was elected as President with Two Hundred and Thirty Five votes defeating Samuel Ibrahim Koroma of the African Young Voices who polled Fifty Two votes. We now bring…

First Lady Madam Fatima Bio has called for support towards the developmental agenda of President Bio.

First Lady Madam Fatima Bio has called on members of the Council of District Chairmen and supporters of the Ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party to continue to support the developmental agenda of President Bio. According to her the continuity of…

Construction of detention facilities across the country to end in 12 months.

As a way to reduce overcrowding and to provide better facilities for inmates, the Sierra Leone correctional service has conducted a tour to monitor and evaluate the construction of detention facilities across the country. According to the Acting Director General…

Bank of Sierra Leone turns 60 this year.

As the Bank of Sierra Leone turns sixty, 60 this year, the Bank Governor Dr. Ibrahim Stevens has disclosed that over the past six decades, the bank has steadfastly upheld its core mandates, adapting to the evolving financial landscape in…

Amadu Koita Makalo and ten other individuals received sentences of up to 162 years in prison.

Amadu Koita Makalo and ten others have been sentenced to a maximum of  hundred and sixty two years after been found guilty of all the 20 counts including treason, misprision of treason, murder, harboring among other charges in the now…

There has been an extraordinary downpour in July.

Residents of Culvert was seriously affected, their homes were flooded and they are presently left to battle with the after effect of the rain. Also the month of July has seen an unprecedented down pour which has led to some…

Crab town Community in Lumley, calls for wider and deeper drainages.

As the country experienced torrential rains over the past three weeks, resident at Crab town Community in Lumley, are calling government to construct wider and deeper drainages in their community. The call was as a result of the growing concerns…

Five storey building collapsed.

A downpour over the weekend has destroyed a five storey building at Mortormeh Looking Town community S.S. Camp and also claimed the life of a pregnant woman.

Sierra Leone, the first West Africa country to take part in the African Travel and Tourism.

The Ministry of Tourism and partners have held a joint press conference in Freetown to update the media on the country’s maiden participation at the African Travel and Tourism Association, and the reviewed Sierra Leone Cultural day which took place…

ILO & MLSS on a two-day workshop on resource mobilization

In a bid towards enhancing the quality of work and living conditions in Sierra Leone, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security have jointly organized a two-day workshop on resource mobilization for the second…