Your Voice My Voice


A two-day Post-Election Engagement on extensive electoral reforms.

The Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) has held a two-day Post-Election Stakeholders Engagement at Sierra Palms Hotel in Freetown with key focus on extensive electoral reforms.

Bridging the digital divide in underserved communities in the country.

Deputy Minister of Communications, Technology and Innovation Ibrahim Sannoh has expressed government’s commitment and dedication to bridging the digital divide in underserved communities in the country. He made the disclosure while launching the Universal Development Fund’s Rural Telephony Project in…

The Parliamentary Civil Society Network has been launched.

Speaker of Parliament has launched Parliamentary Civil Society Network. Speaker Segepoh Solomon Thomas said the network comprising MPS and CSOs would increase interface, and consultation between lawmakers and citizens. The event was held at the State Hall, Parliament Building in…

Some traders are affected by blockage of the drainage system.

Traders around east-end police station have raised concern over the blockage of the drainage system and how it affects their businesses

Main road construction is needed for Omolay Bush residents and bike riders.

Residents and Bike Riders in the Omolay Bush community at New England Ville have called on Government to help construct the main road leading to the community. They said the road was in in a deplorable condition and is a…

Torrential rains have rendered some residents homeless.

Torrential rains have rendered some residents at Gbayshan community in the western rural district homeless. They say, their houses were destroyed as a result of the blockage of the main water way. Meanwhile, some traders at Tombo Park Market in…

For medical reasons, Bai Mamoud Bangura has been granted bail.

The 8th accused person in the ongoing treason trial, Bai Mamoud Bangura has been granted bail on medical grounds.  Bai Mamoud   has been in detention for the last eight months following the ongoing treason trial. Mr Bangura was accused of…

Together, Sight Savers and NCPD will talk about political engagement and climate change.

Sight Savers and the National Commission for Persons with Disability have partnered to discuss issues around citizens’ political participation and climate change. People with disability from all walks of life in the western area were part of the dialogue in…

The Parliamentary committee toured broadcasting house at New England Ville.

the Parliamentary committee on Information and Civic Education visited and toured broadcasting house at New England Ville in Freetown. It was part of their oversight mandate as Cynthia Kamara reports:

Parliament has ratified the Concession Agreement with Gento Group of Companies.

Parliament has ratified the Concession Agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone and Gento Group of Companies for the construction of a Seaport at Dublin and Ricketts Communities at Banana Island, Western Area Rural District. The approximately two billion dollars…