Your Voice My Voice


Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Explains One Year Into Big Five Agenda, Gives Account to Citizens on Other Governance-Related Issues.

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has engaged citizens in a live broadcast Town Hall Meeting, answering questions directly from the audience and from across the country, on one year into his Big 5 Game Changers, the economy, foreign…

Applications for Deputy Director General – SLBC.

Background The Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) was established in 2010 through a merger between the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service (SLBS) and the United Nations Radio (UN Radio). It was created by an Act of Parliament as a public service…

Mohamed Konneh has committed to implement the recommendations of the Tripartite Committee.

Chief Electoral Commissioner of the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone, Mohamed Konneh has committed to implement the recommendations of the Tripartite Committee. He gave the assurance at the commencement of a regional stakeholders’ engagement the ECSL and International IDEA held…

Ministry of Health has received oxygen therapy equipment and accessories.

Ministry of Health has received oxygen therapy equipment and accessories to reduce child and maternal mortality. The three hundred thousand dollars equipment would also help to decentralize the availability and use of medical oxygen in primary health care facilities in…

Staff members and the newly elected SLBC Board of Trustees had a fruitful meeting.

The new Board of Trustees of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation has told staff of the institution that efforts are underway to improve on professionalism, welfare of staff among other developments. The commitment was made during the maiden meeting with…

Review of the persons with Disability Act 2011.

Ministry of Social Welfare with UNDP has started a consultative session with organizations of persons with disabilities on the review of the persons with Disability Act 2011.  The move was to get their inputs in order to review the current…

Three presidential nominees have been given approval by Parliament to act as High Commissioners.

Parliament has approved three Presidential nominees to serve as the High Commissioners to the Republic of Nigeria, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia respectively. The appointees were screened on their competencies and their proven track…

President Julius Maada Bio had a National Town Hall meeting with the public.

In a major event aimed at fostering transparency and civic engagement, President Julius Maada Bio engaged citizens from all walks of life and regions of the country in a National Town Hall meeting. Organized by the Ministry of Information and…

Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Welcomes New Secretary to President, Praises His Extensive Expertise on Matters of Governance.

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has presided over the oath-taking ceremony of the new Secretary to the President, Dr Emmanuel Gaima, expressing hope and confidence that he will bring his extensive expertise on matters of governance to bear…

Action Aid Sierra Leone has completed a day Innovative Experience Sharing meeting.

To increase advocacy around governance and better policies to enhance development, Action Aid Sierra Leone has completed a day Innovative Experience Sharing Meetings with Civil Society Organizations in Kono District. The engagement was geared towards promoting to Promote CSO Peer-to-Peer…