Your Voice My Voice

Month: September 2022

DON BOSCO FAMBUL in a campaign against Plastic Pollution and deforestation

The campaign brought together school-going children, teachers, and others at the Lumley, Aberdeen Beach area who get on picking plastics on the beach and also telling people about their campaign. DON BOSCO FAMBUL in their ECO-Project has embarked on an…

VIO NET pushes a positive outreach to some communities

During the program the Youth leader Saidu Kamara and Community Head Ibrahim Sorie Bangura of Moa Warf Community said that sexual harassment, rape, sexual penetration, domestic violence among others, are issues the community women have been suffering from. As a…

NGC speaks out in relation to the forthcoming elections in 2023

As the conduct of the lower level elections at district level continues for the National Grand Coalition Party, NGC, it Secretary -General Alhaji Amadu Sheriff has said the process has been very peaceful with them being determined to make a…

Not forgetting HIV/AIDS is still around

But what has been the underlying reason for stakeholders in the HIV AIDS sector to be less active in the fight against diseases in the country of late? According to the communications officer of the National Aids Secretariat; Abu Bakarr…

United Nations World Tourism Day

The Minister of Tourism Memunatu Pratt has informed pressmen that this year’s United Nations World Tourism Day Celebration in Sierra Leone will focus on discussions around maintaining sustainable peace and security. She made this statement during a press briefing at…

Huntingdon Secondary School turns 58

In a bid to reflect on their past achievements and to reactivate the lost glory of the school, the Huntingdon Old Students Association in collaboration with the current pupils of Huntingdon Secondary School, Jui has celebrated the School’s 58th year’s…

SALWACO presents the financial year budget to the Ministry of Finance

The Deputy Managing Director of Sierra Leone Water Company (SALWACO) Albert Harvey has disclosed that inadequate budget, late disbursement of approved funds, and negative human activities around SALWACO’s water catchment areas in the provinces are their major challenges. He made…

Inspector Mathew Jibao Karim Vanjahun completes his testimony in an ongoing murder preliminary investigation

Police Investigator, Inspector Mathew Jibao Karim Vanjahun as the fifth Prosecution Witness has completed his testimony in an ongoing murder preliminary investigation before Magistrate Mark Ngegba of the Freetown Pademba road high court of deceased business woman Memunatu Bangura at…

FIFA visits SLFA to inspect National Football development

A FIFA delegation headed by Gelson Fernandes, Head of Football Associations in Africa, has toured the SLFA premises as part of their mandate to inspect the facilities at the FA to ascertain how far they have gone in the promotion…

Safety measures for potential petroleum extraction

The PCRM or “Regional Partnership for Conservation of the Coastal and Marine Zone in Africa” has been working to sustainably manage the impacts of Offshore Oil and Gas Activities in West Africa for the past two years and has proposed…