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Agriculture Development Humanity Latest Local Content


Salone Na We All Yone INITIATIVE, have decided to create a fund to support feeding the people in our beloved country as part of our 6th anniversary celebration.

One area we have identified to improve the lives of Sierra Leoneans is “Agriculture” also known as the “Salone Na we All Yone Initiative.” The theme for this initiative is “Maximizing Agriculture Potential and Engaging Individuals in Farming for Sustainable Food Production in Sierra Leone.”


Feeding our people is a significant challenge in our nation, considering the growing population and limited resources. Maximizing agricultural potential and engaging individuals in farming can play a crucial role in addressing this challenge.

We have identified difficulties that requires improvement:

1. Improve high-yield crops

2. Increase the use of Fertilizer.

3. Improve the use of information technology and Innovation adoption.

4. Improve Transport facilities and Market access.

5. Boost irrigation systems.

6. Improve better matching crops to climate conditions.

7. land availability.

This will enable farmers to increase their production levels, increase the opportunities to maintain their livelihoods and deliver substantial agricultural produce.

We discussed a case study on backyard and community farming in Waterloo during our admin meeting. In light of this case study, we unanimously agreed to provide minimal funding for individuals who are already involved in growing crops and vegetables in their backyards and communities. This support will give them a much-needed boost.

The results of this initiative will demonstrate the significance of utilizing backyard farming to address regional food security issues. We believe that our forum can set an example for others to follow, raising awareness of the importance of backyard and community farming in our beloved country.

Backyard and community farming offer several benefits, including increased food security, reduced dependence on external food sources, improved nutrition, environmental sustainability, and economic opportunities. To realize these benefits, we must develop strategies for individuals who do not have enough land space. They can utilize vertical gardening techniques, container gardening, or join community garden programs. Additionally, we can create educational campaigns and awareness programs to equip individuals and groups with the necessary knowledge and skills for backyard and community farming.

In conclusion, engaging individuals in backyard farming, particularly in the Waterloo region, is vital to alleviate pressure on our country’s food supply chain. By leading this effort, we hope to inspire other forums, the government, local organizations, and individuals to promote sustainable food production and security through backyard and community farming.

If funds are available, we plan to promote this initiative on our national television station to encourage others to implement similar programs in their regions and communities.


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