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EPA has ended a two-day forum in Bo.

The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has ended a two-day forum in Bo on the implementation of the Mines Rehabilitation and Closure Bond and the introduction of a new Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) fee matrix.

A 6-year strategic plan in the process of validation by The Presidential Initiative on Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Food Security.

The Presidential Initiative on Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Food Security is in the process of validating a 6-year strategic plan. The plan is designed for response to climate change, the introduction of a transition plan to renewable energy and…

Alimamy Sankoh who was severing his twenty four months jail term for Larceny, was released with efforts by FASHION FOR CHANGE.

FIFA Council Member Madam Isha Johansen, through her philanthropist organisation, FASHION FOR CHANGE has secured the release of Alimamy Sankoh from the Sierra Leone Correctional Center in Freetown who was severing his twenty four months jail term for Larceny.

Youth Training Center to be constructed in Shenge Moyamba District by NaCSA.

National Commission for Social Action NaCsa has turned the sod for the construction of a youth training center in Shenge Moyamba District. The move geared towards boosting youth empowerment in the chiefdom. Commissioner of NaCSA, Amb. Ernest Ndomahina expressed joy…

President Bio delivers a positive message on service delivery mechanism, during a lecture at the Yonsei University in South Korea.

President Julius Maada Bio has said that reforming the Public Service Architecture will ensure a service delivery mechanism that befits people’s aspirations. He made this statement during a special lecture at the Yonsei University in South Korea. The President highlighted…

A two-day workshop on the Mines Rehabilitation and Closure Bond’s implementation has been called by the EPA in Bo.

The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has convened a two-day workshop in Bo on the implementation of the Mines Rehabilitation and Closure Bond, alongside the introduction of a new Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) fee matrix. It is further aimed to address…

Five New fire multi-purpose engines have been commissioned.

Due to the sporadic fire incidents, the national fire force service has commissioned Five New fire multi- purpose engines that were giving to them by the government to address the aforementioned. The commissioning coincided with the pass out of eighty…

Honorable Ibrahim Tawa Conteh has launched the Open Government Partnership 5th National Action Plan.

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament Honorable Ibrahim Tawa Conteh has launched the Open Government Partnership 5th National Action Plan. The plan he noted was a demonstration of President Bio’s willingness to fight corruption, commitment towards having an open Parliament and…

Army wives and other entities on a ‘Say no to Kush’ campaign at the military barracks in the North- western region.

As continuous efforts to curb Kush countrywide, Army Wives Cooperative Society, a non-governmental organisation has embarked on a ‘Say no to Kush’ campaign at the military barracks in the North- western region.  The message disseminated through drama was to caution…

WHO reports that ‘Eight million people die from tobacco every year.

‘‘Eight million people die from tobacco every year,’’ this is according to a report by World Health Organisation. This chilling statistics comes as the world is marking World Tobacco Day. In Sierra Leone, MDAs, civil society organisations, representatives from various…