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Residents in Bo receives free surgeries and other medical services from the Sierra Leone Medical and Dental Association.

The Sierra Leone Medical and Dental Association has done free surgeries and other medical services for residents in Bo. In its Lifesaving Outreach, the Association offered screening for cervical cancer and eye surgery to the less privileged.

MTHE has begun plans to develop a comprehensive Service Charter for various institutions of higher learning

In a bid to enhance service delivery and accountability within the education sector, the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education has begun plans to develop a comprehensive Service Charter for various institutions of higher learning. This initiative aims to streamline…

An operational agro-metrological station was installed in the Moyamba Districts to forecast weather patterns for efficient farming methods.

Moyamba District has got a functional Agro-Metrological Station to forecast weather conditions for effective farming practices. This was supported by Irish Aid under the Adaptive Capacity of farmers to climate change Project implemented by Action Against Hunger , in partnership…

The Sierra Leonean Hajj Delegation for 2024 has left the country for Saudi Arabia.

The 2024 Sierra Leonean Hajj Delegation has departed Sierra Leone and has safely landed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The 629 pilgrims were delighted to have undertaken such a journey which marks the completion of the Fifth pillar of…

Mohamed Rahman Swaray has mediated negotiations between the management of Sierra Rutile Company management and employees.

The Minister of Employment Labor and Social Security Mohamed Rahman Swaray has mediated negotiations between the Management of Sierra Rutile Company and its workers to end a three-day industrial action. The Ministry alongside the Sierra Leone Labour Congress and other…

Annual air traffic to Freetown International Airport has increased to two hundred and forty thousand.

The Minister of Transport and Aviation Amb. Alhaji Fanday Turay has disclosed that the annual air traffic to Freetown International Airport has increased to two hundred and forty thousand as opposed to annual air traffic of one hundred and forty…

President Bio, and first Lady Fatima Maada Bio, visited the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in South Korea.

President Julius Maada Bio, and first Lady Fatima Maada Bio, have been taken on a conducted toured, at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in South Korea. This highly symbolic area, which serves as the boundary between North and South Korea, provided…

Vice President of Liberia, Jeremiah Koung bade farewell to the Vice President Dr. Juldeh Jalloh.

Vice President of Liberia, Jeremiah Koung bade farewell to the Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldehat his office at Tower Hill, Freetown. Vice President Koung has been in the country for the past three days to understudy Sierra Leone’s initiatives on…

IOM has worked with MDAs and other relevant parties to ensure that the SDG Goals and the Global Compact on Migration are implemented correctly.

International Organization for Migration has engaged government institutions and other stakeholders on proper implementation of the Global Compact on Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals targeting 2030.

In order to meet its needs, the Kailahun District Council has raised its revenue base creation.

The Kailahun District Council has increased its revenue base generation to service it needs. This was enhanced through the cadaster mapping supported by the European Union. As Princess Gibson reports the European Union has also tremendously supported    needs identified by…