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Loacl Government

Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Encourages Paramount Chiefs to Lead by Example, Says the Authority, Power and Respect of Chiefs Must Not Decline 

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has called on the newly crowned Paramount Chief of Sogbini Chiefdom to lead by example for the social progress of his society, saying that society must never allow their authority to dwindle. He…

FCC provides relief items to recent flood victims

The Disaster Management Department Freetown City Council, has presented One Thousand New Leones each to households that were affected by flooding between 10th and 20th September this year at Sumaila town and Tengbeh town. The Deputy Mayor of Freetown Osman…

ECSL started voter registration

The Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) started voter registration over the weekend in readiness for the multi-tier elections next year. The process is new in many aspects and officials in charge of the registration say they are stepping up…

Hon. Edward George supports voter education in Moyamba District

In a bid to mobilize more citizens to do their voter registration in Moyamba Districts, the Member of Parliament for constituency 097 Honorable Edward George has provided logistics and four motorbikes for youth leaders to carry registration at various centers…

Adequate water supply and social protection for vulnerable groups

Budget Advocacy Network {BAN} has presented to Guma Valley Water Company and National Commission for Social Action {NaCSA} what they deemed as burning issues affecting Marginalized and Vulnerable groups in Sierra Leone. BAN seeks to encourage Guma and NaCSA to…

Chief Minister, Jacob Jusu Saffa, visited Queen Elizabeth the second Quay

In order to expedite the construction process of the Bo-Mattru Jong Road, the Chief Minister, Jacob Jusu Saffa, has paid a visit to Queen Elizabeth the second Quay to assess the equipment which is to be used for the said…

STATE OPENING: Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Inspires Hope in Sierra Leoneans, Outlines Achievements in Four Years Amidst Global Challenges

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has inspired hope in Sierra Leoneans at the State Opening of Parliament where he outlined his government’s accomplishments in four years amidst global challenges and the ravaging impacts of COVID-19. “When I first…

Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Celebrates Country’s Media, Encourages Practitioners to be Innovative with Business Models

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has called on the country’s independent media to be more innovative with their business models, noting that the successes of his government, over the last four years, have been supported by a confident…

RIP Lieutenant General (Rtd) J.E Milton

AThe Freetown City Council has held a Civil Laying-out Ceremony and signing of the Book of Condolence for the late Lieutenant General Rtd John Edson Milton, former Chief of Defence Staff who died died on February 2, 2022, RSLAF at…


A United States Congressional Delegation is in Sierra Leone for a two day working visit. Just at first sight, the warm welcome the United States Congressional Delegates received defined the distinct partnership the United States hopes to establish with Sierra…